Melanzane Ripiene – A Recipe

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Melanzane ripieneStuffed Eggplants

This article will walk you through my Melanzane Ripiene recipe. In Italian, melanzane ripiene means stuffed eggplants. This tasty dish is popular in Italy. A delicious Italian eggplant dish worth the effort. This low-calorie dish, made with a family favourite vegetable, is an excellent way to increase your intake of vegetables. Because the name melanzane is derived from the Italian word for eggplant, this dish is ideal for low-carb diets.

Ingredients( serves 4)

• 2 ripe eggplant

• 4 ripe ‘roma’ tomatoes

• 2 teaspoon of capers

• 3 anchovy fillets

• herbs (basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, tarragon)

• salt and pepper

• 2 slices bread

• vinegar


Preheat oven to 150°C. Wash and vertically cut the eggplant. With a teaspoon remove the insides of the eggplant to make a hole. Place eggplant flesh in a bowl. In another bowl mix 4 teaspoons of vinegar with some cold water and place the bread into this liquid. In another bowl mix together the chopped tomatoes and the other ingredients with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Squeeze the bread and mix with the mixture of tomato adding salt and pepper. Use this mixture to stuff the eggplant. Take a baking dish & line with baking paper . Place the eggplant, sprinkle with more herbs and some olive oil and bake for 1 hour or until tender.

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Stuffed Eggplants This article will walk you through my Melanzane Ripiene recipe. In Italian, melanzane ripiene means stuffed eggplants. This tasty dish is popular in Italy. A delicious Italian eggplant dish worth the effort. This low-calorie dish, made with a family favourite vegetable, is an excellent way to increase your…

Stuffed Eggplants This article will walk you through my Melanzane Ripiene recipe. In Italian, melanzane ripiene means stuffed eggplants. This tasty dish is popular in Italy. A delicious Italian eggplant dish worth the effort. This low-calorie dish, made with a family favourite vegetable, is an excellent way to increase your…