Brodo di Verdure Tradizionale – How to make it
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Traditional Vegetable Broth
It snows outside, but you want to get warm. Apart from the central heating or from a cup of hot chocolate, there is a nice recipe you can prepare during winter.
The cold season is in fact the perfect moment to indulge in a traditional vegetable broth made in Italy.
• 1 medium onion, white or red
• 1/3 of a leek
• 1 mature tomato
• 2 sticks of celery
• 2 bay leaves
• 1 tablespoon of black pepper corns, smashed
• 6 juniper berries
• rock salt
• 5 L of water
• 1/2 cup of olive oil
• 1 sprig of parsley
• 3 carrots
Cut the vegetables in large pieces and add to a large pan of cold water, then add a good handful of rock salt, the juniper berries, and crushed peppercorns. Take the onion, cut in half and BURN in a hot saucepan WITHOUT oil or butter. This caramelizes the onion and brings out the sweetness. Add to the water, cover and leave on a low flame to simmer for about 2 hours. After take out the large remaining pieces of vegetables, then strain through a metal strainer. This recipe can be used as a base for soups, risotto and sauces. You can also freeze broth and reheat to use at a later date.
Traditional Vegetable Broth It snows outside, but you want to get warm. Apart from the central heating or from a cup of hot chocolate, there is a nice recipe you can prepare during winter. The cold season is in fact the perfect moment to indulge in a traditional vegetable broth…
Traditional Vegetable Broth It snows outside, but you want to get warm. Apart from the central heating or from a cup of hot chocolate, there is a nice recipe you can prepare during winter. The cold season is in fact the perfect moment to indulge in a traditional vegetable broth…