Pizza Rustica Patate e Rosmarino – How to Make it

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pizza patate e rosmarinoPotato and rosemary pizza

Pizza has truly changed in many ways the Italian concept of food. Not only it is an simple dish to prepare and cook, but it provides a wonderful base for all sorts of variations.

Pizza is different from focaccia, here’s the recipe if you are curious about how to make it, but they have a lot in common. For instance, they can be used to prepare some excellent appetizers.

Today, I would like to introduce the recipe for a very special potato and rosemary pizza, like the one we make in our cooking classes.


How to make the base


  • 200 g plain flour
  • 1 packet of brewers yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar, salt
  • 2 cups of luke warm water


In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in one cup of luke warm water with the sugar and a pinch of salt. Let rest for 5 minutes then add flour slowly and the remaining water. Whisk vigorously until you have a smooth and sticky paste. Add the rest of the flour and continue to work the dough with the hands. Knead strongly for 5 minutes. If the mixture is still too sticky, add some more flour. Form it into a ball then place in a bowl. Cut a shallow cross into the top and cover with a cloth and let it rest for 1½ hours. The dough will rise considerably and tiny bubbles will form on the surface. At this
point it is ready to be rolled out into pizza bases before adding the topping and baking in a hot oven.

pizza patate e rosmarino - particolareHow to prepare potatoes and rosemary


Makes 2 x 26cm pizzas
• 2 potatoes
• olive oil
• rosemary
• salt and pepper


Slice the potatoes thinly and toss them in a little olive oil. Roll out the pizza dough (made as per the ‘Pizzettine’ recipe) and line 2 lightly oiled pizza trays. Place the potato slices, overlapping each other slightly, onto the pizzas. Sprinkle with the rosemary, salt and pepper and bake in a 220°C oven for 10-15 minutes.

Potato and rosemary pizza Pizza has truly changed in many ways the Italian concept of food. Not only it is an simple dish to prepare and cook, but it provides a wonderful base for all sorts of variations. Pizza is different from focaccia, here’s the recipe if you are curious…

Potato and rosemary pizza Pizza has truly changed in many ways the Italian concept of food. Not only it is an simple dish to prepare and cook, but it provides a wonderful base for all sorts of variations. Pizza is different from focaccia, here’s the recipe if you are curious…